A parallel heuristics for the single allocation hub location problem


Rodrigo de Carvalho, Ricardo Saraiva de Camargo, and Alexandre Xavier Martins. 2017. “A parallel heuristics for the single allocation hub location problem.” In IEEE, Pp. 1278 - 1285. IEEE Latin America Transactions. Link para acesso


This paper introduces a cooperative parallel heuristic for the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problem. The proposed heuristic consists in combining multiple parallel ILS-RVND local search and Path-Relinking, cooperating through asynchronously exchanging solutions in a shared pool. This method as devised to tackle large scale instances up to 3038 nodes. Generally, papers in the literature solve problems up to 400 nodes. The combination of efficient methods of search allowed the proposed heuristic to explore efficiently the space of search, and outperformed four well known heuristics of the literature for the select instances.
Last updated on 10/31/2017